Breastfeeding Resources Every Natural Mama Should Know

Breastfeeding Resources Every Natural Mama Should Know
Embarking on your breastfeeding journey as a new mother can be both exciting and challenging. Having access to reliable resources and support is crucial for a successful experience. This comprehensive guide offers a curated list of essential breastfeeding resources that every natural mama should have in her toolkit.

Online Resources is a goldmine of evidence-based information on breastfeeding and parenting. From basic latch techniques to complex issues like milk supply and pumping, this website covers it all. Another invaluable resource is La Leche League International, a global organization dedicated to supporting breastfeeding mothers. Their website offers extensive information, and they have local chapters for in-person support.

Support Groups

Joining a breastfeeding support group can be incredibly beneficial. These groups provide a space to share experiences, ask questions, and receive encouragement from other moms. Look for local La Leche League meetings or ask your healthcare provider about support groups in your area. I personally have really appreciated these two FB groups: Breastfeeding Older Babies and Beyond and Breastfeeding Mama Support Group.

Professional Support

International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) are professionals specially trained to help with breastfeeding challenges. Many hospitals have IBCLCs on staff, or you can find one through your pediatrician's office. Certified Lactation Counselors (CLCs) are another great resource for breastfeeding support and education, especially in the early days of breastfeeding.

Educational Resources

Taking a breastfeeding class before your baby arrives can help you feel more prepared and confident. These classes often cover topics like proper latch, positioning, and common challenges. For visual learners, Global Health Media offers excellent instructional videos on latch and positioning.

Practical Tools

Consider creating a breastfeeding essentials kit with items like nipple creambreast pads, a water bottle, silverettes, and healthy snacks. Having everything in one place can make your breastfeeding sessions more comfortable and convenient. Additionally, there are several breastfeeding apps available that can help you track feedings, diaper changes, and your baby's growth.

Government Resources

If you're in the U.S., you can check your state's CDC Breastfeeding Report Card to see how common breastfeeding is in your area. This information can help you understand the breastfeeding climate in your community.Must-Read BooksTwo highly recommended books for breastfeeding moms are:
  1. "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding" by La Leche League International: Often considered the "bible" of breastfeeding resources, this comprehensive guide covers everything from preparing for breastfeeding during pregnancy to weaning.
  2. "Ina May's Guide to Breastfeeding" by Ina May Gaskin: Written by a renowned midwife, this book combines medical facts with real-life stories, offering practical advice on achieving a good latch, overcoming common difficulties, and understanding the emotional aspects of breastfeeding.
Remember, every breastfeeding journey is unique. Don't hesitate to reach out for help (even if it's just another breastfeeding mama who understands!) if you're facing challenges. With the right resources and support, you can navigate your breastfeeding experience with confidence and joy. By utilizing these resources - from online platforms and support groups to professional consultations and informative books - natural mamas can arm themselves with the knowledge and support needed for a successful breastfeeding journey. Whether you're a first-time mom or adding to your family, these resources will help you nurture your baby naturally and confidently.

Homemade Vanilla Sugar: The Ultimate Guide to Upcycling Used Vanilla Beans

Homemade Vanilla Sugar: The Ultimate Guide to Upcycling Used Vanilla Beans
Are you wondering what to do with those leftover vanilla beans from making extract? Look no further! This comprehensive guide will show you how to transform used vanilla beans into delicious, aromatic vanilla sugar. Perfect for bakers, coffee lovers, and anyone looking to add a touch of gourmet flavor to their kitchen creations, this easy DIY project will elevate your culinary game while reducing waste.

What is Vanilla Sugar?

Vanilla sugar is a fragrant, flavored sugar that infuses your recipes with the rich, complex taste of real vanilla. By making it at home, you're not only saving money but also reducing waste by upcycling used vanilla beans. This versatile ingredient can be used in a variety of sweet and savory dishes, adding depth and sophistication to your cooking and baking.

Ingredients and Tools

To make your own vanilla sugar, you'll need:
  • Used vanilla beans from extract-making, a few beans per cup of sugar
  • Granulated sugar (1 cup per vanilla bean)
  • Airtight container or jar
  • Coffee grinder or spice grinder

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Thoroughly rinse the used vanilla beans to remove any residual alcohol from the extract-making process.
  2. Pat the beans dry with a clean towel, then air-dry them for 1-2 days. For faster results, place them in a low-temperature oven (around 170°F/75°C) for a few hours.
  3. Once completely dry and brittle, break the vanilla beans into smaller pieces to fit in your grinder.
  4. Using a coffee or spice grinder, grind the dried vanilla bean pieces into a fine powder. This step is crucial for evenly distributing the vanilla flavor throughout the sugar.
  5. In an airtight container, mix 1 cup of granulated sugar with the vanilla bean powder. Stir well to ensure even distribution.
  6. Seal the container tightly and give it a good shake to further mix the vanilla powder with the sugar.
  7. Let the mixture sit for at least a week to allow the flavors to meld and intensify.

Pro Tips for Perfect Vanilla Sugar

  • Ensure the vanilla beans are completely dry before grinding to prevent clumping in the sugar. This is an important step!
  • Clean your grinder thoroughly after use to prevent flavor transfer to other spices.
  • The vanilla flavor will intensify over time, so taste and adjust as needed.
  • For a more intense vanilla flavor, use more ground vanilla bean or less sugar.

Creative Uses for Homemade Vanilla Sugar

  1. Enhance your morning coffee or tea by stirring in a spoonful of vanilla sugar.
  2. Elevate baked goods and desserts by substituting regular sugar with vanilla sugar in recipes.
  3. Create gourmet cocktail rims by dipping glass edges in vanilla sugar.
  4. Sprinkle over fresh fruit, oatmeal, or yogurt for a delightful breakfast treat.
  5. Use in savory dishes, such as tomato sauces or meat rubs, for added depth of flavor.
  6. Make vanilla-infused whipped cream by using vanilla sugar instead of regular sugar.
  7. Create a luxurious body scrub by mixing vanilla sugar with coconut oil.

Why Make Your Own Vanilla Sugar?

  • Cost-effective: Get more value from expensive vanilla beans by using them twice.
  • Eco-friendly: Reduce waste by upcycling used beans that might otherwise be discarded.
  • Customizable: Control the intensity of vanilla flavor to suit your taste preferences. You can also experiment with different types of vanilla beans!
  • Versatile: Use in both sweet and savory recipes for a unique flavor profile.
  • Gourmet touch: Elevate everyday recipes with a homemade, artisanal ingredient.
  • Gift-worthy: Package your homemade vanilla sugar in decorative jars for a thoughtful, handmade gift.

Storage and Shelf Life

Properly stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place, your homemade vanilla sugar can last for several months, if not longer. The vanilla flavor will continue to develop over time, so don't be afraid to make a large batch.

By following this guide, you'll master the art of making vanilla sugar at home. Not only will you have a delicious ingredient on hand, but you'll also be practicing sustainable cooking by making the most of your vanilla beans. The process is simple, rewarding, and results in a product that's far superior to store-bought alternatives. Start experimenting with your homemade vanilla sugar today and discover the difference it can make in your culinary creations. From morning coffee to decadent desserts, this versatile ingredient will add a touch of gourmet flair to your everyday cooking and baking. Embrace the art of upcycling and elevate your kitchen game with this easy, eco-friendly project!

The Best Way to Learn How to Make Kombucha

The Best Way to Learn How to Make Kombucha
Are you eager to dive into the world of homemade kombucha? This fermented tea beverage has gained immense popularity for its potential health benefits and refreshing taste. If you're wondering about the best way to learn how to make kombucha, you're in the right place. Let's explore some effective methods to master this ancient art of brewing.

Learning from Local Friends

Before investing in a formal course, consider reaching out to friends or local community members who already brew kombucha. Learning from someone you know can provide a personalized touch and immediate feedback. It's an excellent way to get hands-on experience and insider tips. Plus, it's a great opportunity to bond over a shared interest in fermentation and healthy living. However, if you don't have access to local experts or prefer a more comprehensive and structured approach, don't worry. There's an excellent alternative that many kombucha enthusiasts swear by: the "Homebrewing Kombucha Made Easy" course.

Why Take the Homebrewing Kombucha Made Easy Course?

This course is designed to simplify the kombucha-making process and provide you with all the necessary knowledge and skills to brew your own kombucha successfully. Here's why it's considered one of the best ways to learn:

Comprehensive Learning

The course covers all aspects of kombucha brewing, from understanding the basic ingredients to mastering the fermentation process. It provides step-by-step instructions, making it easy for beginners to follow along and achieve great results. You'll learn about the science behind fermentation, the role of different ingredients, and how to create unique flavor combinations.

Expert Guidance

You'll learn from experienced brewers who have perfected the art of kombucha making. Their insights and tips can help you avoid common mistakes and ensure that your kombucha turns out delicious every time. This expert guidance is invaluable, especially when you're just starting out.

Hands-On Experience

The course includes practical sessions where you can apply what you've learned. This hands-on approach helps reinforce the concepts and techniques, making you more confident in your brewing abilities. You'll get to practice each step of the process, from preparing your SCOBY to bottling your finished kombucha.

Community Support

Joining the course gives you access to a community of fellow kombucha enthusiasts. You can share your experiences, ask questions, and get support from others who are also learning to brew kombucha. This sense of community can be incredibly motivating and helpful as you embark on your kombucha-making journey.

What You Will Learn in the Course

Ingredients and Equipment

  • Water: Learn about the importance of the type & temperature of your water
  • Tea: Discover the best types of tea to use
  • Sugar: Understand which sugar is preferred and how it feeds the yeast and bacteria during fermentation.
  • SCOBY: Learn all about the Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast (SCOBY) and its crucial role in fermentation.
  • Starter Tea: Understand the importance of your starter and its role in the process.

Fermentation Process

The course will guide you through the entire fermentation process, from the initial brewing of sweet tea to the final bottling and flavoring of your kombucha. You'll learn how to maintain the right temperature, monitor the fermentation progress, and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Safety and Troubleshooting

  • Cleanliness: Ensure all equipment is thoroughly cleaned to prevent contamination.
  • Safety: Avoid exploding bottles (from carbonation!) with some practical tips.
  • Temperature Control: Maintain a consistent temperature to promote healthy fermentation.
  • Mold Prevention: Learn to identify and prevent mold growth on your SCOBY.

Mastering the Art of Kombucha Brewing

Taking the "Homebrewing Kombucha Made Easy" course is undoubtedly one of the best ways to learn how to make kombucha at home. It provides comprehensive, expert-led instruction and hands-on experience, ensuring you can brew delicious kombucha with confidence. Whether you're a complete beginner or looking to refine your skills, this course will guide you through every step of the process, making homebrewing kombucha an enjoyable and rewarding hobby.

Top 5 Natural Summertime Must-Haves

Top 5 Natural Summertime Must-Haves
Summer is the season of sunshine, beach trips, and outdoor adventures on the homestead or in the park. To make the most of these warm, glorious days, having the right essentials is key. This summer, why not embrace natural and eco-friendly products that are kind to both your body and the environment? Here are my top five natural summertime must-haves to keep you cool, protected, and glowing all season long.

1. Natural Sunscreen

Protecting your skin from the sun's harsh rays is crucial, but conventional sunscreens often contain chemicals that can harm both your skin and marine or lake life. Opt for a natural sunscreen made with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide (our favorite is this one). These mineral-based sunscreens provide broad-spectrum protection without the harmful chemicals. Look for options that are reef-safe and biodegradable to ensure you're not contributing to ocean pollution while enjoying the waves.

Why Choose It:
  • Non-toxic ingredients
  • Safe for sensitive skin
  • Environmentally friendly

2. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera is a summer skincare staple. Known for its soothing and healing properties, aloe vera gel is perfect for treating sunburns, insect bites, and general skin irritation. It's also a fantastic natural moisturizer that won't leave your skin feeling greasy. Keep a bottle of pure, organic aloe vera gel in your fridge for a refreshing and cooling application after a day in the sun. Add some lavender to it for additional skin soothing properties.

  • Natural anti-inflammatory properties
  • Hydrates and soothes skin, especially when lavender is added
  • Can be used on hair and scalp for hydration

3. Homeopathic Allergy Relief

Summer brings a bloom of flowers and, unfortunately, a surge in allergens. For those who suffer from seasonal allergies, homeopathic remedies can provide effective relief without the side effects of conventional medications. Remedies like Allium cepa, Histaminum Hydrochloricum, and Sabadilla are known to alleviate symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes. (Always consult with a healthcare provider to determine the best remedy for your specific symptoms.)

  • Minimal side effects
  • Gentle on the body
  • Targets the root cause of symptoms without negative effects

4. Natural Insect Repellent

Bugs can be a real nuisance during summer, but conventional insect repellents are often loaded with DEET and other harmful chemicals. Natural insect repellents, made with essential oils like citronella, eucalyptus, and lavender, provide effective protection without the toxicity (our favorite here). These botanical ingredients not only repel bugs but also smell good and benefit the environment.

Why It's Better:
  • Free from harmful chemicals
  • Safe for all ages
  • Pleasant natural fragrance

5. Homeopathic Bug Bite Relief

Despite your best efforts, sometimes those pesky bugs still manage to bite. Homeopathic remedies can offer soothing relief from the itching and swelling. Remedies like Apis mellifica are particularly effective for bug bites. My 20 month old daughter got huge welt-like swelling from bug bites a few weeks ago, but she's barely had any swelling from bug bites since we grabbed this remedy and gave it to her after seeing she had bugs bothering her. Additionally, individuals who frequently attract bugs might have deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals, such as B vitamins, zinc, and magnesium. Ensuring you have a balanced diet or taking appropriate supplements can help reduce your attractiveness to insects.

  • Reduces itching and swelling naturally
  • Safe for all skin types
  • Can address underlying deficiencies that attract bugs

Embrace a Natural Summer

By incorporating these natural summertime must-haves into your daily routine, you can enjoy the season to the fullest while being kind to your body and the planet. Whether you're lounging on the beach, hiking through the mountains, or simply enjoying your yard, these eco-friendly essentials will keep you protected, refreshed, and ready for adventure. Embrace the natural way of living this summer and experience the difference for yourself!

5 Natural Resources for Moms on a Budget

Being a crunchy mom on a budget means wanting to incorporate natural and holistic approaches to parenting while also being mindful of your finances. Here are five resources that can help you navigate this lifestyle without breaking the bank:

1. Natural Parenting Blogs and Forums:
   - This is a community-driven website that covers topics like natural childbirth, breastfeeding, cloth diapering, and more. The forums are especially helpful for connecting with other like-minded parents.
   - Mama Natural: While not exclusively for moms who want to homebirth or birth center, this blog offers a wealth of information on natural living from pregnancy through toddlerhood.
   - The Hippy Homemaker: This blog focuses on DIY natural living with an emphasis on budget-friendly options. It covers everything from natural beauty products to healthy recipes.

2. Library and Online Articles:
   - Your local library is a treasure trove of resources. You can find books on natural parenting, herbal remedies, and eco-friendly living.
   - Many online platforms have articles and guides on budget-friendly crunchy living. Look for blogs or websites dedicated to topics like natural parenting, sustainable living, and eco-friendly products.

3. Social Media and Online Communities:
   - Platforms like Facebook, Reddit, and Instagram have groups and pages dedicated to natural lifestyle and parenting. You can join communities where members share tips, advice, and budget-friendly ideas. A great one is Happy Healthy and Loving Life -- you can write my name, Andrea Orem, in the membership question asking who referred you there!

4. DIY and Homemade Products:
   - Learning to make your own products can save a lot of money. You can find recipes for homemade cleaning supplies, baby products, and even personal care items like shampoos and lotions. One of my most-used ingredients in our DIY items is castile soap.
   - Websites like Pinterest and blogs mentioned earlier often have a plethora of DIY recipes. If you need some recommendations, I'm happy to send some your way, just ask! I have lots of cloth diaper, natural recipes and other recommendations I could point you to.

5. Local Farmers' Markets and Co-ops:
   - Buying organic and locally-sourced food can be more affordable when you shop at farmers' markets or participate in a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program.
   - Many co-ops also offer bulk buying options for pantry staples like grains, beans, and spices at a lower cost.
   - My state has a "Farm Direct" site and Facebook group for farmers to connect directly with consumers, which cuts the cost down a LOT. If you're in Minnesota, connect with me if you'd like an invite! And if not, try searching for your own local area to see if one exists.

Remember, being on a budget doesn't mean you have to compromise your crunchy lifestyle. It often means finding creative ways to incorporate natural and holistic practices into your life without overspending. These resources can help you discover affordable alternatives and connect with a community that shares your values.