Managing Performance Anxiety: Strategies for Families of Young Singers

Managing Performance Anxiety: Strategies for Families of Young Singers
As our concert day approaches, it's natural for our young singers to experience some nervousness. This guide offers practical strategies to help your child manage performance anxiety and enjoy their musical experience.

Understanding Concert Day Jitters

Feeling nervous before a performance is completely normal, even for experienced singers. Encourage your child to talk about their feelings, even if you don't think they are particularly nervous. A simple "How are you feeling about the concert?" can open up a helpful conversation that informs you about where your child is at emotionally/mentally.

Creating a Comforting Pre-Concert Routine

Help your child develop a pre-concert routine that promotes calm and confidence:
  • Practice slow deep belly breathing exercises together
  • Do some gentle stretches (like we do during our warm ups!)
  • Listen to favorite music in the car on the way -- have them pick these out in advance!
  • Use positive affirmations -- "I can sing confidently!" or "I am capable and ready to sing." are two good ones to start with.
Having a familiar routine can provide a sense of control and comfort before the performance.

Visualizing Success

Guide your child in imagining a successful performance. Encourage them to picture themselves singing confidently and enjoying the music. This mental rehearsal can significantly boost self-assurance.

Focusing on Progress

Remind your child that every practice session makes them better. Celebrate small improvements and milestones, specifically if memorizing lyrics or parts of the music are tricky for them. It's not about being perfect – it's about continual improvement, doing their best, and enjoying the music.

Home Rehearsals

Consider having a mini-concert at home. Invite family members, neighbors, or friends to be the audience. This low-pressure performance can build confidence and provide valuable experience.

Staying Present During the Concert

On the big day, remind your child to focus on the joy of singing. Encourage them to listen to their fellow choir members and feel the music in their body. Being present in the moment can help reduce anxiety.

Importantly, remind your child to keep their knees slightly bent while standing. Locking the knees can restrict blood flow and potentially cause dizziness or fainting. A gentle bend in the knees with one foot a little in front of the other promotes better circulation, improves posture, and helps maintain focus throughout the performance. This small physical adjustment can make a big difference in their comfort and concentration on stage.

The Power of Family Support

Your encouragement is crucial. Before the concert, express how proud you are of their hard work and diligence, regardless of the outcome. Your support provides a foundation of confidence for your young singer. Letting them know where you will be sitting ahead of time can also help them focus so they aren't spending mental energy trying to find you when they first walk up onstage.

Taking Care of Physical Well-being

Ensure your child gets enough sleep, eats well, and stays hydrated (especially 8ish hours before the concert) on concert day. Avoid dairy right before the concert. Physical well-being significantly impacts performance and can help manage nerves.

Embracing the Experience

Remind your child that the goal is to enjoy making music with their ensemble members and share all of their hard work with the audience. It's an opportunity to show their passion, glorify God, and have a little fun too.

Seeking Additional Support

If your child is feeling particularly overwhelmed, don't hesitate to reach out to me. Sometimes a conversation with their choir director can provide reassurance and perspective. By maintaining a positive and supportive atmosphere, we can help our young singers transform their nervousness into excitement (after all, they are two sides to the same coin!). Remember, every performance is a chance to grow and learn. I'm looking forward to seeing all our talented singers shine at the concert. Your support and these strategies will help make it a memorable and enjoyable experience for everyone!

Navigating Concert Week Chaos: A Music Teacher's Survival Kit

Navigating Concert Week Chaos: A Music Teacher's Survival Kit
Navigating Concert Week Chaos: A Music Teacher's Survival Kit

Concert week—the grand finale that puts on display our and our students' hard work! Yet, the journey to that moment can be a bit tumultuous at times. Fear not! Here's your shortcut to concert week success without losing your cool (and all your sleep that week).

Embrace Early Planning: Start early, plan wisely. Craft a roadmap with rehearsals, sectionals, and practice goals. I use this notebook to keep myself organized! Share the plan with students and parents for smooth preparation. Try to have deadlines in place earlier than you actually need those things completed in case you experience delays.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Ditch the solo act and delegate tasks to students or parent volunteers (this can feel so hard but be so rewarding! Students thrive when given responsibility appropriately). Whether it's setting up the venue, managing costumes, or handling backstage logistics, there's strength in numbers. A shared load eases the burden.

Organizational Magic: Master the art of organization. Utilize tools like spreadsheets and calendars to tame rehearsals, attendance, and communication chaos. I love using Attractwell for contacts, keeping organized, and sending info to students' families since I am self-employed. And don't try to remember it all on your own! Timers and to-do lists are my best friend.

Spread Positivity: In the midst of tension, sprinkle positivity -- laughter helps so much. Celebrate small victories and reassure students that their hard work is paying off. One of my greatest mentors' motto was, "Cheerful and flexible. If you can't be cheerful, be flexible. If you can't be flexible, be cheerful! And if you can be both... GREAT! Do that."

Strategic Rehearsals: Conduct smart rehearsals. Identify and prioritize challenging sections early in the week for a smoother performance. Talk less and sing/play more.

Create a Supportive Environment:
Amidst chaos, cultivate a supportive atmosphere. Encourage, uplift, and acknowledge the ensemble's hard work.

Self-Care is Essential: Don't forget yourself! Get rest, stay hydrated (without the caffeine that can hurt your voice -- this is my favorite go-to for non-caffinated energy), and take short breaks. Your well-being is crucial.

Master Communication: Keep everyone informed about schedule changes and expectations through emails, newsletters, and social media.

With early planning, teamwork, positivity, and self-care, you're not just surviving concert week; you're thriving. Embrace the excitement, enjoy the music, and make this week a crescendo of success. Cheers to the magical symphony you're about to create! 🎵