The Best Way to Learn How to Make Kombucha

The Best Way to Learn How to Make Kombucha
Are you eager to dive into the world of homemade kombucha? This fermented tea beverage has gained immense popularity for its potential health benefits and refreshing taste. If you're wondering about the best way to learn how to make kombucha, you're in the right place. Let's explore some effective methods to master this ancient art of brewing.

Learning from Local Friends

Before investing in a formal course, consider reaching out to friends or local community members who already brew kombucha. Learning from someone you know can provide a personalized touch and immediate feedback. It's an excellent way to get hands-on experience and insider tips. Plus, it's a great opportunity to bond over a shared interest in fermentation and healthy living. However, if you don't have access to local experts or prefer a more comprehensive and structured approach, don't worry. There's an excellent alternative that many kombucha enthusiasts swear by: the "Homebrewing Kombucha Made Easy" course.

Why Take the Homebrewing Kombucha Made Easy Course?

This course is designed to simplify the kombucha-making process and provide you with all the necessary knowledge and skills to brew your own kombucha successfully. Here's why it's considered one of the best ways to learn:

Comprehensive Learning

The course covers all aspects of kombucha brewing, from understanding the basic ingredients to mastering the fermentation process. It provides step-by-step instructions, making it easy for beginners to follow along and achieve great results. You'll learn about the science behind fermentation, the role of different ingredients, and how to create unique flavor combinations.

Expert Guidance

You'll learn from experienced brewers who have perfected the art of kombucha making. Their insights and tips can help you avoid common mistakes and ensure that your kombucha turns out delicious every time. This expert guidance is invaluable, especially when you're just starting out.

Hands-On Experience

The course includes practical sessions where you can apply what you've learned. This hands-on approach helps reinforce the concepts and techniques, making you more confident in your brewing abilities. You'll get to practice each step of the process, from preparing your SCOBY to bottling your finished kombucha.

Community Support

Joining the course gives you access to a community of fellow kombucha enthusiasts. You can share your experiences, ask questions, and get support from others who are also learning to brew kombucha. This sense of community can be incredibly motivating and helpful as you embark on your kombucha-making journey.

What You Will Learn in the Course

Ingredients and Equipment

  • Water: Learn about the importance of the type & temperature of your water
  • Tea: Discover the best types of tea to use
  • Sugar: Understand which sugar is preferred and how it feeds the yeast and bacteria during fermentation.
  • SCOBY: Learn all about the Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast (SCOBY) and its crucial role in fermentation.
  • Starter Tea: Understand the importance of your starter and its role in the process.

Fermentation Process

The course will guide you through the entire fermentation process, from the initial brewing of sweet tea to the final bottling and flavoring of your kombucha. You'll learn how to maintain the right temperature, monitor the fermentation progress, and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Safety and Troubleshooting

  • Cleanliness: Ensure all equipment is thoroughly cleaned to prevent contamination.
  • Safety: Avoid exploding bottles (from carbonation!) with some practical tips.
  • Temperature Control: Maintain a consistent temperature to promote healthy fermentation.
  • Mold Prevention: Learn to identify and prevent mold growth on your SCOBY.

Mastering the Art of Kombucha Brewing

Taking the "Homebrewing Kombucha Made Easy" course is undoubtedly one of the best ways to learn how to make kombucha at home. It provides comprehensive, expert-led instruction and hands-on experience, ensuring you can brew delicious kombucha with confidence. Whether you're a complete beginner or looking to refine your skills, this course will guide you through every step of the process, making homebrewing kombucha an enjoyable and rewarding hobby.

3 Summertime Income Streams for Music Teachers (That are NOT Teaching Lessons)

3 Summertime Income Streams for Music Teachers (That are NOT Teaching Lessons)
I know, I know...

Every music teacher out there asks, 'How can I make extra income during the summer and/or during the school year?' We don't get paid enough, or maybe we're even bored during the summer not making any music (is this possible?!?). Or we just want to make some extra spending money to do fun things with the kids (raises hand -- I just went strawberry picking with my 8mo and it was a blast!).

But maybe you don't like teaching lessons or you don't want to deal with the schedules around vacations and hassle of that, etc...

So, here are 3 income streams (you can start today!) that are NOT teaching private lessons:

#1 Affiliate Marketing -- you can share about stuff that you like and use (teaching related or not!) with your friends and make income from it. Your friends aren't charged more for it; the companies who use affiliate marketing are spending their marketing budget on this instead of on billboards and ads because it WORKS. I learned how to do it well without feeling salesy from my business mentor, you can check out her course all about it here! And it doesn't take much time, you can work it around naptime or other busy schedules of life.

#2 Baby Music Classes! There are SO many moms out there who are looking for cheap & fun things to do with their littles, especially first time moms (haha, that was/is me!) who are looking to meet people. Find a park and teach a baby music class for moms and their littles! Need help with marketing? Happy to help, I've coached people through this process so they get more turn-out for their classes without having to go through community education and plan WAY in advance or charge a LOT because they have fees. Tip? As long as your parks don't have rules around renting space in the summer, you can just find a local park to teach your class and have a rain date if needed!

#3 Coaching/Consulting -- are you an expert in a certain topic (could be music or otherwise) that you could help people with? Maybe you have a hobby that you'd love to teach people how to do. You can walk them through that step by step with a coaching program (live or evergreen or a combo)! This is just a tiny sliver, tip-of-the-iceberg tip from the massive signature program that is HBR (Home Based Revolution), the multiple income stream course & coaching program by my own business mentor. Check it out here (& reach out for a massive discount code if you're interested!).

Hope these 3 options get your creative juices flowing and get you rolling making some cash for summertime fun (or even more)! I could make $1500 in 4 hrs once I structured things correctly. If you'd like help structuring something like this to fit your needs, check out coaching here.

Considering becoming self-employed but you're a planner and want to look at how budgeting and the money side of things might look? I made a tips list that was stuff I wish I'd known before diving into the self-employed world, things I learned myself work best. Check it out here!

How to Make a Nighttime Cloth Diaper

How to Make a Nighttime Cloth Diaper
Cloth diapering can be intimidating, especially at nighttime because we want to let baby sleep those 8-10 (or more!) hours without waking them up for a diaper change. It can be especially challenging if you have a heavy wetter or flooder like I do because you need something that both absorbs fairly quickly but also holds a lot.

My best recommendation for you is to make sure you use natural fibers and pockets or covers with gentle elastics, what brand you use doesn't matter so much.

After trying a lot of different types and styles, I personally use pannolino bambino and two little hands co pockets the most. PanBam has the gentlest elastics I've tried so far that don't leave big marks on her cute rolly thighs!

For inserts, I typically stack a PanBam trifold with a cotton doubler because I've found it is enough absorbency without being too bulky (since she's still only 4 months old). Here's a video of how I put together the nighttime diaper. I avoid microfiber like the plague because it causes compression leaks (like a sponge) and really only worked for us for the first 2 months or so before we were having leaks.

I just bought some specifically nighttime trifolds from PanBam recently to try for when she gets bigger; I'll let you know how we like them!