How to Eat Well on a Budget

How to Eat Well on a Budget
Depending where you live, food can be costly. But there are a few simple ways to make your grocery shopping effective and efficient. After all,

All foods either help us heal or make us sick.

I personally want to do the former instead of the latter. :)

How to Eat Well on a Budget

1) Go out to eat less (or not at all!) -- eating out costs a LOT. You're paying to be waited on plus the actual food plus the labor of making it! And it's usually not healthy anyway. Save that money you would've spent eating out and budget it for healthier food at the grocery store instead.

2) Meal plan -- plan out what you're going to eat when, especially if you are busy in the evenings. (Stay tuned for an awesome meal planning freebie coming soon!)

3) Make double portions -- and either freeze the rest or eat leftovers a few nights in one week! Making food healthy doesn't mean you need to cook or bake every night of the week.

4) Ditch the microwave -- I did a training about this in Abundant Life Community if you'd like to know more about why this is important! Your food is your body's fuel.

5) Cancel any subscriptions you don't use and put that extra money each month towards your food budget. Every dollar counts!

There you have it! Feel like you've got these down but need more direction on clean eating? I've got a Clean Eating Ingredients Freebie you can check out to push the needle even further on your goals. You got this!