What I Learned When No One Else Showed Up for the Playdate at the Park

What I Learned When No One Else Showed Up for the Playdate at the Park
This morning we showed up for a playdate at the park and no one else came.

There's more to this story... 👇🏼

Most people don't talk about the emotional and relational challenges of moving.

This move has been challenging so far. My husband is building a business and clientele, so he is working long hours without it being reflected in his pay (yet 🙏🏼).

This means I'm home with sweet Elliana long days by myself without friends to see or playdates to go on. (Which, we found a very nice home to rent, I can't complain there!) I moved here not knowing anyone except for my in-laws.

Making new friends and visiting churches has been challenging. It's summer. Apparently most people travel or are gone like, all summer long... at least, it appears so from the almost-empty-of-families church services we have been attending and the only-child-in-the-nursery reality that has been Ellie's most weeks. Is it really so hard to find a church with more than one young family regularly attending?! Frankly, it makes me feel like giving up trying until fall comes and people are back home for school.

This morning's playdate (where no one else came) was advertised in the bulletin at church this Sunday, a new place we haven't been to before this week. I was so hopeful. And then... well, you can see how that turned out.

It's tempting to think that because the people who planned it didn't even show up, why should we bother trying to connect with a church like that?

But we don't know if...
-they had a sick child
-their grandma passed away and suddenly they had to go to a funeral
-they deal with chronic pain and couldn't today
-they are struggling in marriage and something happened that morning

Or any other myriad of options that are real life prevented them from coming.

So, we are not giving up. Despite crying on the drive home wishing to not feel lonely...

God meets us in our need. I found myself listening to a song on the radio, through my tears:

"Oh, I have found a friend in Jesus. He is everything to me. I have found a friend in Jesus, Yes, He is my everything. Thank You, Lord."

And crying grateful tears instead of lonely ones. 

Even when I feel so lonely... Jesus is my closest friend.

I pray He is yours, too. ❤️

The problems are not all fixed. It's not suddenly easy being new here in IL.

But I am not alone, even if I feel lonely at times.

And that makes all the difference.