Being a crunchy mom on a budget means wanting to incorporate natural and holistic approaches to parenting while also being mindful of your finances. Here are five resources that can help you navigate this lifestyle without breaking the bank:

1. Natural Parenting Blogs and Forums:
   - This is a community-driven website that covers topics like natural childbirth, breastfeeding, cloth diapering, and more. The forums are especially helpful for connecting with other like-minded parents.
   - Mama Natural: While not exclusively for moms who want to homebirth or birth center, this blog offers a wealth of information on natural living from pregnancy through toddlerhood.
   - The Hippy Homemaker: This blog focuses on DIY natural living with an emphasis on budget-friendly options. It covers everything from natural beauty products to healthy recipes.

2. Library and Online Articles:
   - Your local library is a treasure trove of resources. You can find books on natural parenting, herbal remedies, and eco-friendly living.
   - Many online platforms have articles and guides on budget-friendly crunchy living. Look for blogs or websites dedicated to topics like natural parenting, sustainable living, and eco-friendly products.

3. Social Media and Online Communities:
   - Platforms like Facebook, Reddit, and Instagram have groups and pages dedicated to natural lifestyle and parenting. You can join communities where members share tips, advice, and budget-friendly ideas. A great one is Happy Healthy and Loving Life -- you can write my name, Andrea Orem, in the membership question asking who referred you there!

4. DIY and Homemade Products:
   - Learning to make your own products can save a lot of money. You can find recipes for homemade cleaning supplies, baby products, and even personal care items like shampoos and lotions. One of my most-used ingredients in our DIY items is castile soap.
   - Websites like Pinterest and blogs mentioned earlier often have a plethora of DIY recipes. If you need some recommendations, I'm happy to send some your way, just ask! I have lots of cloth diaper, natural recipes and other recommendations I could point you to.

5. Local Farmers' Markets and Co-ops:
   - Buying organic and locally-sourced food can be more affordable when you shop at farmers' markets or participate in a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program.
   - Many co-ops also offer bulk buying options for pantry staples like grains, beans, and spices at a lower cost.
   - My state has a "Farm Direct" site and Facebook group for farmers to connect directly with consumers, which cuts the cost down a LOT. If you're in Minnesota, connect with me if you'd like an invite! And if not, try searching for your own local area to see if one exists.

Remember, being on a budget doesn't mean you have to compromise your crunchy lifestyle. It often means finding creative ways to incorporate natural and holistic practices into your life without overspending. These resources can help you discover affordable alternatives and connect with a community that shares your values.


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