My Journey Naturally Managing TMJ Disorder
Dealing with jaw issues can be quite complex. Many people, including specialists, often struggle to pinpoint the exact causes of TMJ disorders (TMJD), and the underlying factors can differ significantly from one individual to another.

I firmly believe in the interconnectedness of the body. We are holistic beings, and it’s essential to nurture our body, mind, spirit, and heart as a unified whole.

Through a process of trial and error, I’ve made several lifestyle changes and embraced natural solutions that have led me to a place of physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual wellness. While there’s always room for growth, I can confidently say I feel better than ever on this journey of wellness.

5 Key Changes That Improved My TMJ Health

  1. Revamping My Diet
    • We eliminated sugar, caffeine, most dairy (especially for my husband, who has IBS), and processed foods from our diet.
    • Our meals now focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, with einkorn as our primary grain.
    • We also incorporated supplements that promote joint health and overall wellness, which have surprisingly improved the strength and appearance of my hair and nails.
  2. Chiropractic Support
    • Regular visits to a specialized chiropractor have been beneficial, as they help us maintain proper alignment and use tools that help us keep that alignment longer.
    • I wear a custom night splint that allows my jaw to slide rather than clench, primarily protecting my teeth rather than fully preventing clenching.
  3. Mindfulness and Emotional Regulation
    • I’ve worked diligently to manage my mindset and emotional responses, as well as to balance my hormones.
    • Previously, I was prone to anxiety and often magnified small worries. By focusing on affirmations and embracing positive truths, I’ve made significant strides in my emotional well-being. The Big Think course was key for me in growing my mind to be prepared for new big things!
  4. Targeted Supplementation
    • Addressing deficiencies in the body is vital, particularly concerning joint health, gut function, and detoxification issues like tinnitus.
    • In a world where our bodies can sometimes falter, providing high-quality, bioavailable supplements can help us reclaim our health. Remember, healing is a gradual process that requires patience and consistency.
  5. Prioritizing Sleep
    • Quality sleep is foundational to overall health and wellness. Ensuring I get restorative rest has been a game-changer in my journey.

Want to Learn More?

If you’re curious about the specific strategies that have worked for me in these areas, feel free to explore the links above or check out the TMJ Strong course. Health and wellness are not one-size-fits-all, and I’m here to share my experiences and insights. If you’re looking for someone to discuss ideas with or simply need a supportive ear, I’m here for you. I wish I had that kind of support when I first began this journey. I send you my best wishes for wellness, relief, and abundance on your path. Stay blessed!


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